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Fine Arts Toronto Gallery
2024 Curator's Choice Online Exhibition

Please note that some of the exhibition artworks might have been already sold or reserved, in such cases please contact us to confirm the availability of the artworks and please accept our apologies for any inconvenience this might have caused.


Twisted Pine (1942) - Oil on linen 19.75"x15.75"

Arthur Lismer (1885-1969)

Price & Availability:  Check gallery  Inquire    info@fineartstoronto.com


Banff, Al'ta - Oil on panel - 9.25" x 13.0"

Frank (Franz) Johnston (1888-1949)

Availability:  Check gallery  Price: $98,000 CAD    info@fineartstoronto.com

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Mount Lougheed - Oil on canvas - 24"x30"

Henry George Glyde (1906-1988)

Availability:  Available  Price: $14,400 CAD    info@fineartstoronto.com

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De Courcey Island - Oil on canvas - 20"x24"

Robert Genn (1936-2014)

Availability:  Available  Price: $9,800 CAD    info@fineartstoronto.com

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After Storm (2012) - Oil on canvas - 36"x40"

Philip Buytendorp (1961-)

Availability:  Available  Price: $9,800 CAD    info@fineartstoronto.com

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Farmscape with pond - Oil on canvas - 11"x14"

Robert Genn (1936-2014)

Availability:  Available  Price: $4,400 CAD    info@fineartstoronto.com

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Parliament Hill, Ottawa - Oil on board - 8"x16.5"

Francesco Iacurto (1908-2001)

Availability:  Available  Price: $4,800 CAD    info@fineartstoronto.com

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Seated Woman - Oil on panel - 9.5" x 5.9"

Nicolae Vermont (1866-1932)

Availability:  Available  Price: $11,000 CAD    info@fineartstoronto.com

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L'entree a Jerusalem, detail (2015) - Tempera on canvas - 11.81"x9.45"

Camelia de Montety (1974-)

Reproduced at page 11 in Camelia de Montety's art catalogue "Icons - 2015" published in Canada by Fine Arts Toronto Gallery.

Availability:  Available  Price: $750 CAD    info@fineartstoronto.com


Neo Classical - Oil on canvas - 48"x36"

Robert Genn (1936-2014)

Availability:  Check gallery  Price: $46,800 CAD    info@fineartstoronto.com

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La Malbaie (1989) - Oil on masonite - 20"x24"

Bruno Cote (1940-2010)

Availability:  Available  Price: $9,800 CAD    info@fineartstoronto.com

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Quartier Latin Montreal - Oil on panel - 8"x10"

Arto Yuzbasiyan (1948-)

Availability:  Available  Price: $2,980 CAD    info@fineartstoronto.com

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Quey Cleggan (1972) - Oil on panel - 10"x12"

Robert Genn (1936-2014)

Availability:  Available  Price: $3,400 CAD    info@fineartstoronto.com

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Okanagan Vall Sunset - Oil on canvas - 36"x36"

Rod Charlesworth (1955-)

Availability:  Available  Price: $4,400 CAD    info@fineartstoronto.com

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By The Coastal Rainforest - Oil on canvas - 11"x14"

Robert Genn (1936-2014)

Availability:  Available  Price: $4,400 CAD    info@fineartstoronto.com

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Inside Forest - Watercolor on board - 13.75" x 19.6""

Stefan Hotnog (1920-1993)

Availability:  Available  Price: $1,200 CAD    info@fineartstoronto.com

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Carnations (1975) - Oil on cardboard - 23.5" x 19.13"

Nicolae Milord (1909-1988)

Availability:  Available  Price: $2,200 CAD    info@fineartstoronto.com

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Abstract Composition IV (2014) - Oil on board - 9.45"x7.1"

Camelia de Montety (1974-)

Reproduced at page 14 in Camelia de Montety's paintings catalogue "The Artist as Explorer" published in Canada by Fine Arts Toronto Gallery.

Availability:  Available  Price: $750 CAD    info@fineartstoronto.com


All prices listed on our website are in CAD$ and are without applicable taxes. Shipping and insurance are extra.

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Fine Arts Toronto Gallery - Administrative Office

Address: 250 Dunforest Ave, Toronto, ON, M2N 4J9, Canada

Phone: (416) 802 2933    Fax: (416) 250 8740

Email: info@fineartstoronto.com